Career Profiling (using the LAB Profile)

Some of our most difficult decisions are about what kind of job we like or should have. For most of us it takes a lifetime to understand enough about ourselves to know if we will match up to specific new careers, jobs, academic choices or work environments. Making the wrong decision can be costly – emotionally as well as financially. The LAB Profile can steer you in the right direction!
What is the LAB Profile?
Career Ambitions offers a career profiling tool called the Language and Behavioural (LAB) Profile. The LAB Profile is an advanced communication tool based on 25 years of research with people in thousands of jobs all over the world.
Most of us don’t really know how to pinpoint what motivates us at work. Why do we enjoy some tasks and not others? What makes us feel comfortable in some environments and not others? And why do we get on with certain people and yet can’t get through to others?
This is quite normal! 80% to 90% of who we are is unconscious. Analysing our actions, language and thoughts every second of the day in every different context is not humanly possible.
What is possible is to understand and analyse your motivational patterns in a specific context using the LAB Profile.
The LAB Profile provides unique insights into the below-conscious motivational patterns we have in various contexts. Knowing what motivates and drives you, gives you the opportunity to explore the implications of this. In relation to not just your career but also how you communicate with others.
There are only 550 LAB Profile Master Practitioners in the world.
And Katherine Wiid is one of them! Having spent several years studying with world-renowned Behavioural Expert and Trainer Shelle Rose Charvet, Katherine has a deep understanding of what motivates individuals and how they work and communicate at their best.
How does career profiling work?
The LAB Profile is the most effective tool for career profiling. Because it is a psycho-linguistic tool (conversational), we begin by talking about you at work. It’s a relaxed conversation that happens over the phone and takes about 45 minutes. What we are listening for are 14 traits in the LAB Profile; six motivation traits and eight working traits.
These motivation traits show how your motivations and behaviours are triggered in the context of work. The working traits identify what keeps you motivated. There is nothing good or bad about a particular trait – it is a matter of understanding which is the most appropriate in that particular context.
Career coaching using the LAB Profile
We will begin by talking to you about your work and communication style in a relaxed manner over the phone for approximately 45 minutes. Once the profile report has been completed, Katherine will work with you on a one-to-one basis to help you to use this information to guide your most important career decisions.
We understand that making decisions about big changes in your life is important. Changing your job or changing your career without enough information is risky. You owe it to yourself to get the best, most significant information possible to make these decisions. The most critical part of deciding to change your career or change your job is ‘you’. You need to know if ‘you’ fit into the situations that you are considering.
Through 1 : 1 feedback and coaching, we will enable you to make informed and enlightened career and life choices by exploring new insights about yourself and seeing situations in which to apply your strengths and values.
It’s not just about you!
Whilst we use the LAB Profile to focus on identifying your ideal work environment, it has so many other dimensions to it. You will gain a unique perspective on how other people tick and what influencing language to use to make a positive impact.
What you can expect from career profiling…
- Understand your ideal work environment where you can operate at peak performance
- Develop a communications strategy and personal action plan
- Approach your communication with others with increased confidence
- Improve your performance at work through enhanced self-awareness
- Manage your own expectations, as well as the expectations of others
- Be aware of the motivations of others and the language to use to influence them
- And so much more – expect there to be a shift in your thinking!
What our clients say about our career profiling and coaching…
“The LAB Profile was a very interesting experience and I would recommend doing it to others. I was aware of a number of the things that were brought to light but not so aware how they affect my work and motivations. If you’re considering a change in career, it is a great help to have this profiling done to be able to see what kind of jobs would play to your strengths and what you would be most happy doing.” PhD Scientist
“LAB Profiling is a useful part of our employee’s personal development process. Whilst most people know how they behave it is good sometimes for someone else to point it out. Thanks Katherine it was a very useful exercise and lots of people at KuDOS valued the process.” Siobhan Shadwell, HR Manager, KuDOS Pharmaceuticals / Astra Zeneca
“I was very impressed with the way the seemingly innocuous questions Katherine asked me in the initial profiling conversation on the phone translated into a very comprehensive report that felt like ‘me’. It’s making me review the way I’ve approached career development in the past and it’s given me information which will greatly improve my prospects in all future job applications. As an added bonus, it will help me communicate better with clients in my own small business and might even be beneficial in attracting new clients.” Susan Lawton, Key Light Image Consultancy
If you would like to find out more about how the LAB Profile could boost your career, get in touch. Email or phone us on 01223 633535.