Is the job market slowing down due to Brexit?

Brexit is causing serious job market and industry uncertainty. Will there be jobs available? Will companies make redundancies here and move abroad? Are recruiting managers looking for robots instead of humans?
Many candidates have told me that they are worrying that the job market is slowing down due to Brexit. But what real evidence do they have? It seems to me that recruitment agencies are scaremongering!
With job market uncertainty comes opportunity.
I believe that with uncertainty comes opportunity. During the last economic crisis, we saw companies close, but we also saw successes. Companies who were able to ride the waves of the crash, and candidates who were able to succeed in securing new jobs (and excelling in those roles).
In times of uncertainty, as a candidate you have to make things happen. In order to succeed in the job market, you need to go out there and be proactive! Here are a few things to do to keep your job search moving as we enter 2019…
Dedicate time to networking.
I’m not talking about one minute elevator pitches or joining a whole heap of expensive networking groups. Throughout your career, no matter how settled you are, you should always be networking. Building contacts, talking to real people in the industry. It’s those people who will be best placed to make connections, give you information and advice when you next find yourself job seeking! And they will have a real life view of how the job market is doing, rather than getting worried about the views of a frustrated recruiter who hasn’t hit their monthly target. Never has there been a truer saying “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.”
Use LinkedIn and Glassdoor to research the job market.
Most candidates love or hate social media. But LinkedIn is unique, as it is perfectly designed for the job seeker. Use LinkedIn and Glassdoor to do research, and figure out where there is growth. Which industries are hiring, and which aren’t? If your industry isn’t hiring right now, consider how your skills and experience could be applied to a slightly different role or industry. Perhaps a career change isn’t something you were considering, but when you drill down into your reasons for leaving your current job, you might realise a change of scenery isn’t such a bad thing…
Come and talk to me!
As a career management coach, I know exactly what’s going on in the world of recruitment and in the job market. What we’re finding is that there are less advertised jobs. In times of uncertainty, companies are cautious about hiring. They know that a failed hire could cost them badly, and often don’t want to take any risks. Jobs are often advertised internally, or through their network, rather than publicly. This is where having a good network is key! Knowing how to market yourself and make an impact is vital at times like this, so that you are in the forefront of people’s minds when they are looking for talent.
The questions we would cover together are:
- What is your job seeking strategy?
- How are you positioning yourself currently?
- Would you be a recruitment manager’s first choice?
It may just need a few tweaks before you find yourself being offered your dream job!
If you’re not sure which career direction to go in, or you’re having difficulty in the job market please get in touch. Every day I work with candidates and help them to identify and secure jobs that motivate, inspire and challenge them. Is that what you’re looking for?